SEO keyword research for the Louisville KY area is the corner stone of our clients website rankings.
Strategic SEO Keyword research is the starting point for top internet rankings and no company website can perform at the top level without it. We’ve invested heavily in tools and tactics that allow us to be able to find the most used phrases that deliver customers to our clients sites. As search engine optimization pros we see keyword and key phrase research as the base to all we do here.
Louisville Specific Hyper Local Keyword Research
Hyper local keyword research can bring customers to your site that you never even knew exist. Standard keyword research cannot find them and there are no easy methods in place that find them. To know them one has to be a resident of the area that they’re being applied to. We’re from the Louisville KY area so we know it and it’s nuances well. Our clients get more business than their local competitors because we deploy hyper local keyword research methods before doing SEO on their sites.
To learn more you can call us and we can discuss doing a hyper local campaign for your business.
Long Tail Keyword Research and Why it’s Important
Long tail keywords are phrases that are composed of three, four, and maybe even more words. Mostly they’re very specific in relation to your services or the area that your business is in. They tend to be more focused on buying a product or hiring a service than information gathering. In addition these types of search phrases tend to be easier to rank for.
In the SEO industry they are looked at as low hanging fruit. There’s not a lot of it. But when they’re gotten they can be very good. Put enough of them together and the results can be solid enough for a business to really profit from. Finding them is standard when we do our SEO keyword research.
Louisville SEO
Call us for your next Louisville SEO keyword research project. We use state of the art tools along with the Google Keyword Planner. If you take our research results and deploy them semantically on your sites title and meta data. Then insert it into your copy following SLI best practices you will notice a distinct increase in your search engine rankings. Call us for details on how we can assist you with SEO keyword research today.